
Christmas: Gathering to Christ

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

The host of heaven had their expectations fulfilled and they expressed this through praises to God when Christ was born. Luke 2:13-14 . What they desired to look into broke forth when Christ was born 1 Pet 1:12 .

The Patriarchs, Matriarchs and Prophets in the old testament had ONE thing they lived for in their days; they enquired of God and search diligently about this Salvation in Christ’s birth. They commune with the Spirit of Christ which was in them to know to whom it belonged and what time it should be revealed.

The Holy Ghost told them that this salvation in Christ’s birth is for you and me and this was their ONLY ministration, which is now preached as the gospel today by those who have personally encountered Jesus in this new testament dispensation. 1 Pet 1:10-12.

As we remind ourselves of the birth of Jesus Christ today, have we accepted this salvation that the old testament brethren ministered to us?

If you have accepted this salvation then what had been your ministration about it, most especially today that we’re remembering His birth? Do not be trapped in merriment, or exchange of pleasantries and gifts but reflect on the state of your relationship with Jesus and proclaim Him to the world.

God permitted the whole world to be turned upside through the taxing in the time of Augustus Caesar just to ensure that this little city with little strength, Bethlehem accept and own her portion in Christ’s birth Luke 2:1-4 . Everyone around the world returned to their city of origin to be taxed. You can’t imagine the impact of such migration on the food system, economy, transportation system, possibility of an epidemic, and insecurity among others.

But Alas! the people of Bethlehem did not receive this first prophecy of Christ’s birth. They were supposed to bring forth Christ. He was to govern the whole world with Bethlehem (the city of David) as His base Micah 5:2-15; Matt 2:1-10 . They were carried away by the euphoria from the hotel gains through the influx of people in that season but they forgot like many today that Jesus is the reason for the season. They had no room in their heart and the city for him.

Friends, what has preoccupied our hearts should be pushed aside so we can make room for Christ to take His rightful place in us so that we may experience the joy of His birth just as the host of heaven.

When the people of Bethlehem did not accept and own their Saviour Jesus,  then the second prophecy spoken about them was fulfilled. The enemy killed their children from 2 years and below including their neighbor’s children. 
Jer 31:15 ; Matt 2:16-1 8.

How will I respond to Christ’s birth from now henceforth ?

Sunday Oladiran is a teacher of God's Word, committed to the revival and reformation of the body of Christ. He lives in Ibadan, Nigeria, together with his wife, Bukola. They have two children.

Further reading

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