
Take a Moment and Live

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I love this hymn and have been singing it repeatedly since yesterday. Thought I should post it here like a way of bookmarking online and, hopefully, for others to discover it.

There’s a city of gold across the river
When I reach it I’m told I’ll live for aye
My soul will fly over chilly Jordan
Over Jordan on wings of love I’ll fly away

Not a moment to lose, make up your mind,
Take a moment and choose God’s love divine
From the moment you’re saved
How happy you’ll be
Take a moment and live eternally
for heaven is free,
how happy you’ll be
when heaven you see

I’m so glad that I know sweet peace and pardon
Where soever I go I’m glad to say
My soul will fly over chilly Jordan
Over Jordan on wings of love I’ll fly away

It’s a privilege here to help another
Just to tell of His love in all I say
My soul will fly over chilly Jordan
Over Jordan on wings of love I’ll fly away

O the river is wide and rough the water
But the Savior will come for me some day
My soul will fly over chilly Jordan
Over Jordan on wings of love I’ll fly away

Lee Roy Abernathy

Hosted by

These are articles that are sourced or excerpted from faithful authors, including spiritual hymns, biographies, Church history, and so on.

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